By Arthur Kezian

Your smile is not just about looking great in pictures, or for making a good impression on a first date.  Sure, if you have great teeth, it can make you look like a star actress in Hollywood.  However, your teeth – and the issues surrounding them – go much further than that.  Your teeth can present you with major health problems and severe discomfort if you do not take proper care of them.  And, brushing and flossing everyday just is not enough.  If you want that perfect smile to last you for the rest of your life, you will need a great cosmetic dentist to take care of you.

SI Exifa3 (4)Let’s face it – with movie stars and models popping up everywhere you turn, the pressure to have a great smile is even bigger here in Tinsel town.  That’s why you need a dentist who can suit your personal needs.


But there are so many people out there who claim they can work wonders for your teeth.  So, how do you find the perfect one?  Follow these 3 tips:

1.       Don’t focus solely on price.

Sure, no one wants to spend a fortune, but when it comes to selecting a dentist, you tend to get what you pay for.  Bargain-basement dentists are cheap for a reason.  If you head to a cheap dentist, you will likely have to make more trips to his office, so that he can fix issues that should have been taken care of in the first place.

Instead of just making a price comparison, take a look at the services that each dentist has to offer. After all, this is the health of your teeth we’re talking about!  The quality of service you get is far more important than the price.

2.      Look for a cosmetic dentist who can provide you with a variety of services

There’s no need to find separate people for veneers, teeth bleaching, x-rays, and root canals.  After all, that’s a waste of your time!  Who wants to drive all over town, looking for someone to handle their cosmetic imaging – then look for someone else who can handle their dental implants. A good dentist will be able to handle any issue or request that you throw at him.  If he can’t, it’s time to find another dentist who can.

3.      Make sure you feel comfortable

The best Los Angeles cosmetic dentist is one who makes you feel warm and welcome from the moment you arrive until the time you leave.  And once you find a great dentist, it’s like finding a great friend.  You can stay with him permanently!

But it’s not all about the actual dentist.  Everyone who works in the office should make you feel comfortable.  The reception staff should be friendly as soon as you walk in the door – so that any anxiety you feel about a trip to the dentist is washed away.  That way, you won’t be like so many people, who associate going to the dentist with being a burden, or something that is uncomfortable.

And, once you see the dentist himself, he should take his time answering your questions and easing your concerns.  Rushing you – or acting like he doesn’t have time for you – is no way for a good dentist to treat his patients!

4.       Do not change dentists if you don’t have to

If you’re happy with your dentist, stick with him.  There’s no rule that you have to find a new dentist every couple of years.  In fact, you will get better treatment if you stick with a good dentist for the long haul.  After all, a good dentist will keep close tabs on your dental history and any other issues you might face over the years.  When it comes to the health of your teeth, you need someone who is familiar with you and your particular situation.  If you have found a dentist that suits all of your needs, hang onto him!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777