Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS Science Scholarship 2024-2025

Congratulations! The Scholarship Committee was very fortunate to have received many qualified applications last year and we look forward to receiving applicants for the annual science scholarship this year.

The Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS Science Scholarship will be awarding $1,200 to help deserving science students. Applicants are required to be high school seniors to graduate students in university, majoring in a science field and pursuing advanced education.

Applications will be reviewed by our scholarship committee and will be awarded based on academic merit, community service, and financial need. Please send all of the required documentation (see below) in ONE email delivered to kezian@msn.com

Click here to check our press release about the scholarship!

To be eligible for our company scholarship you must be at least 18 years of age.  Note that your age is based on the date of the deadline.  The deadline for the scholarship will be 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time on March 31, 2025.

To be Eligible you:

  • Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Must be attending a College or University in the Fall of 2024
  • Must be a resident of the United States or Canada
  • Must complete the application form, including the essay prior to the deadline


  • 1–2 page essay on why you deserve the Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS Science Scholarship
  • Resume or CV
  • Official Transcript (GPA needs to be above 3.0)
  • SAT Score Report
  • DAT, GRE, or MCAT Score Report
  • 1 Minute Video Clip introducing yourself (optional but recommended)
  • Scholarship will open on: November 1, 2024
  • Scholarship deadline: March 31 , 2025 at 11:59 PM EST

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Scholarship:

  1. Where do I apply? You can apply directly on our website. If you scroll down this page, there is an application form you can fill out and submit. Along with the submission, be sure to send us any other requirements the scholarship asks for (e.g. resume, essay, score reports). Send any necessary documents in one e-mail to kezian@msn.com
  2. How do you judge the criteria? The applications are reviewed and will be awarded based on the student’s personal accomplishments – this includes academic merit and community service. The need for financial aid is also taken into consideration. The committee will specifically keep an eye out for applications that are complete and thorough, applications that are sent in a timely manner, and applications that follow the rules of the scholarship. The committee chooses contenders at first, then the top scoring applications are moved to a semi-finalist category. From here, the semi-finalists are contacted, and once they respond with appropriate verification, one person is chosen as the finalist and is awarded.
  3. How many scholarships are awarded? Only one scholarship winner is chosen and is awarded per year. Each year, the scholarship award amount is $1,200.
  4. If I am a part-time student, can I still be eligible to apply? Yes, as long as you are attending school during the time of the application period, you are eligible to apply.


    Personal Information:

    First Name*:

    Last Name*:


    Street Address:
    Address Line 2 :

    Zip Code :

    Day Time Phone*:


    Desire for scholarship (example: college, trade school, other higher education):

    Scholarship Application

    Essay Attachment (Word or PDF document) :