By Arthur Kezian

We all know the importance of a happy smile to human communication. But when you have teeth that have suffered a trauma or some sort of oral disorder, it can make you feel less than comfortable about smiling. When you are feeling like this it is time to have a chat with your chosen dentist for implant dentistry.
Implants are a serious matter which you will need to discuss, because of the surgical implications. While all dentists prefer to save teeth if at all possible, sometimes dental implants have to be part of the recovery process. Your Los Angeles dental implants mean that you will be cared for in a professional and empathic way.

What Is A Dental Implant Dentist?

Dental implant dentists are experienced and qualified in implant dentistry. They will have prosthodontist training which will enable them to work, not just on the standard teeth, but on assessment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of missing or severely deteriorated teeth. If a client’s tooth must be removed, a dental implant dentist will be experienced in dealing with the bone, jaw and tissue surrounding the tooth.

Sometimes a dentist will remove areas of your mouth, including your teeth, bone or surrounding tissue which is damaged beyond repair. The dental implants dentist will then make decisions about prosthesis. This involves a biocompatible synthetic being produced which will ensure your teeth look as good as they did before, or even better with dental implants.

Dental Implants – Is it Cosmetic Surgery?

??????????????????????????????????????????While most dentists do prefer to save a tooth rather than replace it, often Los Angeles dental implants are done as a cosmetic procedure. Since a happy beautiful smile is often a person’s best feature, who knows what psychological trauma is experienced when this is no longer the case? Whether implant dentistry is done due to essential repair of the teeth or due to a cosmetic reason, it is something that must be taken very seriously indeed.

What Actually Happens?

The dentist will have your teeth restoration as their highest priority because this ensures that the foundation is correct. In order for the prosthetics to look amazing, both the prosthodontist and the oral surgeon will collaborate. Firstly titanium posts are implanted into the jaw bone, which give the structure. They mold to the bone and strengthen the bone and give support to the bridges and crowns which follow. This means normal mouth functioning, eating and chewing, and speaking will be restored.

If you are just having one or two teeth replaced then the procedure will be a once only deal. But if you are having more dental implants then you will need to come back on more than one occasion. The jaw bone will need to settle each time, and then you can have more implants fitted.

At Los Angeles implant dentistry you will find dentists that are experienced and friendly. They are highly trained and have done many implants. If you have any problems with your teeth, or you have experienced a trauma and your teeth are badly affected, you must contact Los Angeles Dentist and make an appointment for their caring team to help restore your teeth to their very best.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777