Los Angeles and Coronavirus (COVID-19) – More Information

Dr. Arthur Kezian and the dental family have taken extensive efforts to maintain the safety of the community which we are proud to serve. We strongly believe that just as much as it is our duty to provide comprehensive as well as emergency dental treatment Los Angeles to our patients, it is also our duty to protect the most vulnerable among our Larchmont and Los Angeles community by preventing the spread of COVID-19, or Coronavirus. We are dedicated to remaining up to date on all guidelines and reviewing the latest research to remain properly informed. We are using our scientific education and medical training to help separate fact from fiction and protect our patients from misinformation.

emergency dentist

Patients may be asking themselves, “What dental treatment is available to patients during the Coronavirus?”

We believe it is important for our profession and community to follow the latest recommendations of both the American Government and the California Dental Association. While this may affect our business, we are taking these drastic measures to protect our community.  Therefore, in our office we have made the difficult decision to partially close our office and limit our services to emergency dental treatment Los Angeles only; elective and cosmetic dental treatment procedures have been put on hold for now.

The following guidelines have just been presented by the American Dental Association and can help determine what is considered emergency vs non-emergency treatment. This guidance is subject to change as the pandemic continues to progress, and we as medical professionals are using our best professional judgement to determine a patient’s need for urgent or emergency dental care.


Dental emergencies can include life threatening conditions and often need immediate treatment. These conditions can include

  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Cellulitis or a diffuse soft tissue bacterial infection with intra-oral or extra-oral swelling that potentially compromise the patient’s airway
  • Trauma involving facial bones, potentially compromising the patient’s airway

Emergency services still offered during Coronavirus at Dr. Kezian’s dental office include:

  • Palliative treatments to treat painful or sensitive teeth
  • Pain due to pulpal inflammation
  • Pericoronitis or wisdom tooth pain
  • Root Canal Therapy and endodontic procedures
  • Broken teeth resulting in pain or causing soft tissue damage
  • Traumatic accidents with avulsion or luxation
  • Adjustments of restorations causing sensitivity or pain
  • Re-cementation of temporary crowns that have been lost, fallen, or are causing irritation
  • Dental Abscess, localized infections, or infection consultation
  • Dental treatment required prior to critical medical procedures

Other important services that may be offered include:

  • Suture removal
  • Denture adjustment on radiation/oncology patients
  • Denture adjustments or repairs when function impeded
  • Replacing temporary filling on endo access openings in patients experiencing pain
  • Snipping or adjustment of an orthodontic wire or appliances piercing or ulcerating the oral mucosa

At this time unavailable dental services include routine or non-urgent procedures during Coronavirus include routine or non-urgent dental procedures.

These services include but are not limited to:

  • Initial or periodic oral examinations and recall visits, including routine radiographs
  • Orthodontic procedures other than those to address acute issues such as pain, infection, or trauma
  • Extraction of asymptomatic teeth
  • Restorative dentistry including treatment of asymptomatic carious lesions
  • Tooth cleaning, including Prophy, scaling and root planing, deep cleaning
  • Cosmetic, or aesthetic procedures
    • Bleaching
    • Veneers
    • Crowns

Patients seeking routine or non-emergency dental services are encouraged at this time to wait until further information from our office.

We want to reiterate that if you are experiencing dental pain, we are dedicated to providing the Los Angeles emergency dental care you need. In this time, the American health care is in danger of being overloaded and strained. We advise that you do not visit the hospital or emergency room unless absolutely necessary.

Many of our patients are asking themselves: “Is it safe to visit the dentist at this time due to Coronavirus?”

The novel Coronavirus is uniquely both highly virulent and easily transmissible, a dangerous combination. It is also new therefore the population has no existing immunity. A dental office can seem like a hazardous environment during times like these, however we would like to share the ways in which we have taken action to reduce the risk of virus transmission.

We have continued our unwavering commitment to adhere to existing Center for Disease Control (CDC) infection control guidelines and procedures, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) infection control guidelines and procedures, American Dental Association (ADA) infection control guidelines and procedures, and California Dental Association (CDA) infection control guidelines and procedures. We have also done our research and have implemented new protocols in response to the novel Coronavirus, COVID-19, as recommended by these agencies.

These are the following existing protocols for infection control we have been observing in our office for many years:

  • Before and after a patient is seen, our staff members completely sterilize every possible surface in the operatory with Bacteriocidal and Virucidal disinfectant spray.
  • New research from the National Institutes of Health and the Center for Disease Control has shown that the virus can remain stable for several hours to days on surfaces and in aerosols.We use the highest quality disinfectants which have been proven to be effective in killing the Coronavirus and preventing the transmission.
  • Every staff member always wears gloves, face masks, and eye protection during every appointment.
  • Despite a shortage of masks, we continue to change masks and gloves between patients or during patient treatment if the mask becomes wet, according to dental guidelines.
  • All instruments are cleaned, autoclaved, and sterilized after each patient is seen.
  • All biohazard materials including gauze and tissue are disposed of properly and safely.

Coronavirus cleaningOur patients are also asking themselves: “What new protocols in response to Coronavirus, COVID-19 has Dr. Kezian taken to ensure our safety?”

  • Extra hand sanitizer and facial tissues are made available to all patients.
  • We have taken measures to avoid intimate contact to reduce chances of spreading the disease, including appropriate social distancing and avoiding handshakes, and even hugs (Believe it or not, our patients often wish to hug us after the excellent treatment and service we give them!)
  • Staff members are questioned on their symptoms and have their temperature read before being allowed to work.
  • Patients are questioned on their symptoms and have their temperature read before being allowed to be seen for treatment.
    • Coronavirus Medical History Screening Questions include if patients have traveled in the last 14 days or been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and if they have a cough, fever or shortness of breath.
    • We encourage our patients who may answer yes to any of these questions to contact their doctor or public health department to determine whether testing is necessary.
    • It is advised that you do not seek testing unless you are actively showing symptoms, so as to not overload the medical system.
  • During dental procedures which may produce aerosol, we use high-speed evacuation to eliminate the spread of the aerosol.
  • Hand pieces are autoclaved and sterilized after being used on each patient.
  • We frequently clean and disinfect public areas, including door handles, chairs and bathrooms.

Patients my ask themselves “What can I do to ensure my safety from the Coronavirus”

coronavirus symptoms

  • Patients should maintain excellent at home oral hygiene and be careful to avoid any traumatic injuries to their teeth or oral cavity
  • Patients should self evaluate to determine if they are beginning to show signs and symptoms of the disease
    • Signs and symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure
      • Fever
      • Cough
      • Shortness of breath
    • Emergency warning signs include:
      • Difficulty breathing
      • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
      • New confusion or inability to arouse
      • Bluish lips or face
    • This list is not necessarily comprehensive, and you should consult a medical provider for any other symptoms that are concerning or severe.
  • Limit direct contact with others and practice social distancing.
  • Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your face, mouth, and eyes.


These are difficult times, but it is important to come together as a community to stop the spread. We are proud to remain available to our patients who are in desperate need of our Los Angeles emergency dental services. However we have been sure to take extensive measures to ensure the safety and protection of our community. Cough etiquette and respiratory hygiene infection control measures along with contact precautions are extremely important for preventing transmission of COVID-19. We appreciate your participation and understanding during these difficult times. As soon as we are able to resume business as usual, our patients will be the first to know.

Press Contact

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS
443 N. Larchmont Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 467-2777









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