By Arthur Kezian

Brushing habits should be developed from the early stages of childhood. The more effort you put into teaching your kids about the importance of brushing, the more they will want to brush. Spend quality time with them showing them proper brushing techniques. You can also brush your teeth while they brush theirs, serving as a means of motivation, because after all, kids want to be just like their parents.

It is pretty much clear that any advice related to the dental hygiene only helps. Here, Dr Kezian wants to give some advice related to dental health.

Important Points about Brushing:

????????????????A strong and positive start always helps maintain good dental hygiene. When they wake up in the mornings, simply hand them a tooth brush and see how they automatically learn how to brush their teeth! Dr Kezian recommends you teach your children the importance of brushing their teeth, the anatomy of their mouth and the over all function of the teeth – this will help develop good brushing habits!

Different Types of Teeth:

INCISORS are the eight teeth placed in front of the mouth. Four at the top and four below. These teeth help to cut the food. These teeth are of chisel-shape.

CUSPIDS are the pointed teeth. These teeth help to tear the food with which you can easily chew the food.

Next type is the BICUSPIDS. These teeth are four in number and they crush the food in smaller pieces so that our stomach can afford the bites.

MOLARS are placed at the back of the mouth. They are the last teeth used for chewing. They are three at the top and three below on both sides of the mouth. These have wide surface and help to grind.

By doing this you will show the importance of dental hygiene and the brushing of the teeth. Moreover, it is your duty too to be aware about dental hygiene as it plays a great part in the overall look of a person. Dr Kezian, who is also a dentist for children, provides important, healthy tips regarding teeth and effective ways of taking care of them to the parents of young children.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777