By Arthur Kezian
With the help of cosmetic dentistry and an experienced dentist, you can enjoy the amazing effects of a nice smile. When a nice smile is mentioned, the first thought that comes to mind is Dr. Arthur A. Kezian. He is recognized and certified as a dentist who has some of the best treatments. The most common treatments for enhancing your smile are whitening treatments, alignment of teeth, and restoration of teeth. These are just some of the treatment options available for changing your teeth and giving you the smile you yearn for.
Brighter, Whiter Smile:
- Have you been thinking of whitening your teeth? If yes, then stop thinking about it and do it. A small change, such as whitening your teeth, can feel like a huge difference. Visit a dentist to see if whitening is right for you.
- Dr. Arthur A. Kezian has done numerous whitening treatments and can help you achieve the color you want.
- The first step to a whiter smile would be impressions. These are used to make moldings of your teeth which are then used to make your bleach trays. Once you have your trays, you can start whitening your teeth by yourself in the comfort of your own home.
- Your dentist will give you proper instructions on how to use your bleach trays and will take the initial shade of your teeth. After just five days of using the trays you will notice your teeth are a whole shade lighter!
- Once you reach your desired shade, you can stop your bleaching and touch it up whenever you would like.
Contouring and Reshaping:
- In case of uneven or unaligned teeth, cosmetic dental treatments can really help you out. In this regard, veneers are a great option. These can also fill gaps in your smile, if you have any.
- Veneer treatments are available at a cosmetic dentistry which you can easily make an appointment by. Don’t wait any longer because your teeth will not fix themselves; you need to make the change.
- With the help of cosmetic dental treatments, one can easily make their smile better. But, before starting any treatments, your dentist must do a thorough examination of your mouth (teeth, gums, tissues, bone level, etc.). With this examination your dentist will suggest whether the treatment is appropriate for you. Once you and your experienced dentist prioritize treatment options together, then you can start.
- With the help of fillings or crowns, chipped or broken teeth can be fixed. A crown requires two visits for completion, the first being the preparation of the crown and the second being the cementation of it.
- In this regard, your dentist can guide you through the procedure and make sure you are comfortable during every step of the treatment.
- The ultimate result of these restorations is very pleasing, gratifying and satisfying. If you’re ready to make a change, call Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS; you will not be disappointed.
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777