By Arthur Kezian

One of the big things that a new parent looks forward to is a baby’s first smile. Smiles are very important for everyone, and that is what really makes a great first impression. We all respond in a positive way to great white smiles; they are associated with family and friends, with positivity and energy.

Unfortunately, smoking, coffee drinking, red wine, and even our age all show on our teeth. The result can be that our teeth end up looking not as attractive as they once were, and they give away that secret – our age!

If you want an attractive smile once again that leaves everyone guessing your age you must visit your favorite cosmetic dentist. One of the permanent solutions they could suggest is dental veneers.

Dental Veneers- What Are They?

Dental veneers are very fine porcelain or composite shells that fit over your existing teeth. They are permanent and last a long time, over twenty years in some cases. They cover over stains and chips, and also they disguise gaps in the teeth. If you want to go from stained unattractive teeth to gorgeous white ones, then this could be the best way to do it, in conjunction with your top dentist.

How Do Dental Veneers Actually Work?

??????????????????????????????????????????????Your dentist will take off a tiny layer of your teeth enamel to ensure that your new dental veneers will adhere to them. Then the dentist must create an impression of your teeth so that the shape and form of your teeth are replicated exactly. You will be asked to bite into a silicone substance; this takes a very accurate and clear impression of the bite as well as the shape of your teeth. The dentist will then discuss with you the exact color and tone you want your new veneers to be. This means the prosthodontist will have the information needed to construct your veneers.

After this, your dental veneer specialist will give you a set of temporary veneers. This is to prevent any reaction to sensitivity.

What Happens Next?

The impression is then sent to the laboratory where the prosthodontist will construct your new permanent veneers. This is a very labor intensive production. Layer upon layer of porcelain is added to the teeth until they are an exact copy of your own teeth. Each layer is fired in a special type of kiln and of course this must continue until an exact match is accomplished. The color must also be totally correct; and when this been achieved your veneers will be sent back to your dentists for fitting.

Then I Get My New Smile?

You will be called back to the surgery because it is time for your new permanent veneers to be fitted. Your temporary veneers will be removed, then your teeth then checked and made ready for the new permanent veneers. Your veneers are put in place with dental cement and made to look perfect. Any excess dental resin is removed, and a bright light may be shone on your teeth to help the cement dry. Finally, it is time to check out your wonderful new smile.

If you feel it is time to look younger, to have that great smile you had when you were in your teens, to have that bounce of confidence then you need look no further than Los Angeles Dentists. Relax in luxurious surroundings as your professional, experienced and caring dentists give you back that gorgeous, youthful, confident smile!

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777