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By Arthur Kezian

The field of oral health is concerned with the care, treatment and prevention of oral diseases. It is a highly specialized field that is made up with the collective efforts of professionals, individuals and the government of nations encouraging proper oral practice. One of the most important indicators of the general health of a population is how much emphasis is placed on oral health and preventive dental service. Dr. Kezian is a renowned health professional who specializes in this field as a preventive dentist and advocates better health practices in the United States of America and the world.

Dental checkup

Oral Health:

  • Tooth decay is caused by the mineralization of food left in the mouth after eating. This food left in the mouth is then broken down by the actions of micro organisms to form acid. Oral infection can affect people of all races, social class, educational background and position. Many factors are responsible for dental diseases. Smoking and chewing tobacco has been proven to be the cause of many diseases that affect the mouth. Dr. Kezian and his staff have campaigned against the chewing of tobacco as an alternative to smoking. This is increasingly becoming the practice and norm by those populations dwelling in rural communities. Vomiting regularly has been strongly linked to causing oral damage and is not good for oral health.
  • So many diseases and ailments have been proven and believed to have their root cause in oral inflammation, infection and damage. Diseases such as bacterial pneumonia, heart attack and stroke, complications relating to diabetes, oral cancer, osteoporosis (disorder characterized by the dwindling of bone calcium level), oral diseases: cavities, gum disease, gingivitis, periodontal disease that can result in loss of teeth. This is easily prevented by the service of oral health professionals like Dr. Kezian
  • This is why individuals are advised to go see a preventive dentist and oral health professionals like Dr. Kezian and his staff for regular check ups and advice.


TMD And Apnea:

  • Some sleeping disorders have been linked to tooth and oral damage; one example of which is TMD (Temporomandibular disorders). This disorder occurs as a result of having problems with the muscles, bones or joints in the jaw and face. There are no clear causes of TMD, it is generally agreed by experts and professionals that it is majorly caused by trauma to the head. Such trauma includes clenching of the teeth continuously for a long time, chewing gum excessively and traumas or blows to the head from accidents and even punches. The symptoms of TMD include headache, lower jaw distortion,  chewing becomes difficult, earache and hearing loss, inability to open the mouth wide, sometimes neck and shoulder pain
  • Apnea (obstructive sleep apnea O.B.A). This occurs when the tissues in the mouth and throat always collapse when an individual is sleeping. This can cause breathe loss thereby causing the individual to snore loudly. This affects the quality of relationships with their spouse. It is very discomforting because breathing becomes more difficult and with time stops as air cannot get through the barrier created. This can lead to high blood pressure and heart failure as the individual wakes up several times when they are sleeping just to allow in air.

Dr Kezian and his staff can offer you professional help in dealing with these mouth related damages, disorders and conditions for better oral health.

Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777