

33 year old male with stained upper teeth, patient was unhappy with color and staining of his smile. Take home bleaching with night splint were used for a period of 2 weeks with follow-up touch up bleaching after 3 months.
We are excited to offer the latest advances in cosmetic dentistry to our patients.


If you have any questions regarding bleaching techniques, or wonder if teeth whitening can improve the shade of your teeth, send us your digital photo. We would be happy to evaluate the photo and return a simulation of your whiter, brighter smile.
Just about everyone wishes they had whiter teeth. Fortunately, there is an easy, painless way to make your teeth whiter with bleaching – a dental technique that can give you a dazzling, bright smile!
Although teeth seem very hard , the enamel has microscopic pores that discolor over time as we age, from smoking, and from staining substances that we eat and drink. In some cases, enamel discoloration occurs during early tooth formation from antibiotic and fluoride consumption. Bleaching simply removes stains from the enamel of your teeth.


Almost anyone can benefit from teeth whitening, and bleaching is ideal for patients who have healthy teeth and would like to have a brighter, more attractive smile. Bleaching will not change the shade of existing bonding, veneers or crowns.
Most over-the-counter products such as ‘whitening’ toothpastes and gels are ineffective because they contain a low percentage of carbamide peroxide, and are not used in a concentrated form directly on the teeth.