By Arthur Kezian
You probably don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about your dental crown. But then, BOOM, a problem surfaces and it’s ALL you can think about! A chip, crack, or complete fractured porcelain crown definitely counts as a dental emergency, so call your cosmetic dentist as soon as you spot the damage.
Then, ask yourself how this happened.
A fractured porcelain crown is the result of one of two things — age or simple physics. While a porcelain crown is sturdy enough to last for at least a decade, even the best one can wear out eventually. That fracture you just spotted could be the result of plain ol’ wear and tear.
If your cosmetic porcelain dental crown isn’t all that old, your fracture is likely due to some kind of stressful pressure. There are a number of things that can place extreme stress and strain on your dental crown, like:
– Teeth grinding
– Teeth clenching
– Biting down on hard things (like chewing on an ice cube or accidentally biting your fork)

– The way your upper and lower teeth hit when you bite down
– Inadequate preparation of your tooth before the crown was placed over it
– Improper installation of the crown
– Decay that prevents your tooth from being strong enough to “anchor” a porcelain crown
– Unhealthy gum pockets that lead to a buildup of bacteria where the crown meets your gum tissue
This is why it’s so important to give your dental crown some TLC as soon as it’s installed. Doing things like brushing and flossing properly, wearing a night guard to prevent grinding, and avoiding extremely hard or chewy foods can help prevent your dental crown from fracturing.

One other important way to give your porcelain crown some TLC? Find the best cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles. That way, you can rest easy knowing that your crown was installed properly and that you’ve got a true expert who can spot small issues before they turn into big problems.
OK, that’s good to know for the future. But what about right now? What should you do if your dental crown is fractured?
– Take a close look at it
Is it in one piece, or have parts of it come off? Is it loose? If it’s very loose — and you’re worried you might accidentally swallow it — see if you can pull it out of your mouth.
– Take an over-the-counter pain reliever if you need it
Your tooth is not shielded by your crown, because of this, you’ll likely have some discomfort and sensitivity.
– Call your cosmetic dentist
Even if you’re not in pain, this is a problem that needs to be fixed immediately. An office specializing in cosmetic dentistry should be able to see you the same day, or the following day at the latest to help you with your problem.
How will your dentist repair the fractured porcelain crown?
– He’ll look at the crown
Tiny cracks and chips can usually be repaired by bonding the crown with a composite resin. For more severe damage, you’ll likely need a brand new dental crown.
– He’ll look at your tooth
If your crown sustained enough force to fracture it, there’s a good chance your tooth sustained some damage too — even if it doesn’t hurt. Before your cosmetic dentist starts repairing your crown, he’ll have to repair your tooth.
One final piece of advice — let your cosmetic dentist handle everything. If you try to repair your fractured dental crown yourself, there’s a good chance you’ll make things much worse!
Dr. Arthur A. Kezian DDS 443 N. Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90004 (323) 467-2777